What is a WagonMaster?
Historically, a wagonmaster was the person hired to oversee the transportation of a group of immigrants or pioneers in their wagons to the western US. Today, Rally WagonMasters plan and coordinate the events of a rally or guide a caravan of recreational vehicles, as campers, on a trip.
Colorado Rally WagonMasters
The Peal's and the Hamp's met at the 2018 rally and became fast friends. Dave and Jon stepped up to coordinate the event after the 2018 rally, and the rest is history!

Dave and Becky own a 2016 Reflection 313RLTS Travel Trailer and have been camping together for over 30 years. They started out in a tent but quickly moved to a pop-up camper to get off the ground. They upgraded to a Forrest River Grand Surveyor Travel Trailer in 2004 and camped all over Colorado with their two boys and Becky's parents. As the boys got older and were camping less, they upgraded to Grand Design. Their boys are now grown and off living their own lives, camping with their own friends.
Dave was born in Illinois and has been camping since he was knee-high to a grasshopper. He camped with his family in a travel trailer growing up. His family moved around and eventually settled in the Cincinnati area. He camped with his friends in high school. Then the Army brought him to Colorado where he met Becky. He did plenty of "camping" on deployments during his service as a Military Policeman, including 6 months in Iraq during the gulf war. He 100% prefers glamping in his Grand Design RV with all the comforts of home!
Becky was born in Colorado Springs and grew up camping with her family. Her family upgraded from a tent to a pop-up when her Dad forgot to waterproof the tent and the rain soaked everything. She owes her love of the mountains to her parents. Becky's Mom passed during the Grand Design Rally in 2020. You may find her Dad, Roger, helping out at the rally and driving a golf cart all over the resort. Roger has taken up pickleball and would love to play with anyone who might be interested in a game!
Dave's favorites: Camping, fly fishing, cycling, "collecting" whiskey & bourbon, trying new recipes on the smoker, and he never met a cheesecake he didn't love!
Becky's favorites: Camping, all kinds of crafts, from paper to beads and everything in between. Her Mom was an artist and both her sisters are artists as well, one might say it is in her genes! Her favorite foods are french fries and mint chocolate chip ice cream!
Favorite Campground: Lakeview Campground on Taylor Reservoir - they spent many weekends with Becky's parents here over the years.
If they were to upgrade their camper, they would buy a Solitude 373FB but that would require a bigger barn to store it in and maybe a new truck!
Jon and Kari own a 2018 Solitude 310GK Fifth Wheel and have spent most of their married life together as weekend warrior’s- camping and enjoying music festivals in their Grand Design. You my have seen them on Going RV where they were featured when they purchased their Grand Design in 2017. Together they have three children; two boys and one girl, all of whom have moved on to their respective adult lives.
Kari is a Colorado Native and growing up spent most of her summers touring with her Grandparents in their camper or staying at a stationary site in Estes Park. They used the family RV as base camp at horse shows, which was a pursuit that dominated her teenage years into her 20’s. After her father passed away she felt it was an appropriate use of the small inheritance to invest in an RV. Though the first Fifth Wheel Jon and Kari bought was a far-cry from the luxurious Solitude they now enjoy, it re-ignited her passion for RV'ing and after one more upgrade they purchased their current Grand Design.
Jon was born in California, but spent most of his formidable years in Salt Lake City, UT. Jon’s family owned several different Tent Trailers that they used to tour all over the United States. As a younger boy he used to watch in jealousy as those big beautiful fifth wheels came and went from the different RV parks they were visiting, but Dad liked his tent trailers. After graduating from college, one of Jon’s first purchases was a truck camper and since then he has owned every variation of RV that exists; yes, even a tent trailer or two among them. Of the 23 different RV’s Jon has owned, nothing compares to the Grand Design Solitude he and Kari now tour in.
Kari’s Favorites: Travel- especially international travel, country dancing, anywhere there is a beach, spending time with her daughter and tending to her flock of chickens.
Jon’s Favorites: RV road trips, country dancing, country music, playing drums, sport shooting, smoking meats and anything that gives him an excuse to use his John Deere.
Favorite Campground: Too hard to decide- but dry camping is their favorite kind.
Jon and Kari wouldn’t dream of letting go of their Solitude 310GK, they love it and besides- it’s paid for! But a pontoon would be fun……